Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Reflecting on Reflections

On Monday morning I went into Nelson to collect a painting that had been in an exhibition at the Suter Art Gallery. Miss L decided she had a "cold" and "didn't feel well" so I had company for the day. We walked through Queens Gardens on the way to the gallery cafe, and on the way back I took these photos. All are reflections from a puddle and the pond. It was nice to see a glimpse of blue sky, and autumn leaves.


We also went into the Chinese Garden and took more photos. I was late for my next appointment - but I could hardly stop clicking! And what you see here is only a few of the many photos. I like how everything seems to upside down.

 Not everything was upside down though! I love the paving stones in the gardens, they are hexagonal pavers with beach stones set into them on the edge, so no good for high heels! (There is a notice warning people against wearing high heels here as it's a popular place for wedding photos.)

 After lunch we decided to go to Washbourn Gardens which is the public gardens in Richmond. Here it was bright Icelandic poppies filled with happy bees that I couldn't stop clicking at!

 I love the fuzzy flower pods too. There were no reflections to be found in these gardens as the pond is very muddy from all the ducks that hang out here, and the stream is fast flowing. I couldn't actually take a photo of all the ducks as they mobbed us expecting to be fed bread. Miss L said they made her feel claustrophobic!

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